Al—Noor cargo city in Gawadar by Niazi builders and developes and SP enterprises was launched 2 3 years ago and offers various sizes of commercial plots on installments and cash payment . Project is located near to Coastal highway Gawadar . Project is still open for booking all sizes of commercial plots are available for booking .Booking will be done on first come first served basis . The development of the project is completed . In past updates of this project all the details of the project , features location and payment plans for all sizes of commercial plots is mentioned to check all these details go to this link. Here is the details of extra charges , payment procedure and all other terms and conditions which apply at the time of booking and claimed by project developers .
Here is the details of extra charges for residential plots which apply due to the location of plots .
Extra charges :
Facing park : 10 %
Corner plots : 10 %
Main road : 10 %
Notes :
Documentation charges of electricity , water and gas are extra charges and payable by allotee after booking .
All these charges are not added in payment plans and customer will pay these charges on demand .
All extra charges including documentation charges will be paid after booking with in 180 days .
All installments must be deposited before10th of every month .
All payments made in form demand draft , pay order and cheque in favor of Al-noor cargo city .
Booking amount will not be refundable .
for more details :