Continue Downfall of bahria town karachi

Hello valuable readers, hope you find this article with good health. I cant say about wealth if you are investor of bahria town karachi on the lighter note.

Bahria town karachi market is facing terribly low . Prices are going down every day. You can assume the bahria town karachi market by NEW Two bed apartment it was on 17 to 19 lac profit 50 days ago and numerous files traded in the range of 15 lac plus profit now today rate of 2 bed is minus 1 lac. similarly new karachi 5 marla ali block touched 8 lac profit now no buyer available for ali block marla infact no buyer of any project of bahria town karachi, now the question is that the bahria town will always depend on speculative market? Instead of constant market.

i have received lot of emails, phone calls, file holders of bahria town karachi asking why market is going down. my answer is bahria town files system go up and down , 2 month up and then down for 6 months, we are experiencing this pattern from last 2 years especially after Sector F Lahore. now this pattern should change now price should up slowly with solid background, not like that move up 1 million for 15 days, and go down 1 million for next 15 days.

Bahria town new project position

The current situation of bahria town karachi especially new projects 2 new bed , golf karachi files and 5 marla ali block are going drastic down now all new projects that recently launched in previous two months in minus

– Today rate of 2 bed apartment is minus 1 lac – rate of 1 kanal bahria golf file is minus 4 lac -rate of 2 kanal & 4 kanal bahria golf files are in minus 2 lac – rate of new 5 marla ali block is minus 2 lac.

Now you can assume the situation of these projects , these all above projects were in 5 to 20 lac profit just 1 month ago.

Bahria town old projects position

Bahria town old 5 ,10 and 1 kanal files are even low and more than 50 % files are blocked due to shortage of installments, so block files are not tradable and added more misery to investors . Now they are waiting when bahria town will announce new policy and what will be restoration charges and when there files are again tradeable.

– 5 marla old karachi price is between 230,000 to 240,000 and its touched 475,000 at peak. -10 marla old karachi price lies at 800,000 and touched 15 lac. – 1 kanal file old karachi price is 15 lac and it was on 26 lac maximum.

Now conclude this post, well here is an also opportunity to invest in minus projects, but see and let it come in more minus then you can take a risk invest money in minus projects, because bahria can go up in no time , if you have a patience or holding power of at least 3 month then i suggest invest some money in two bed or ali block 5 marla .

i think , it is enough for today for sale purchase in bahria town lahore & karachi. Call me with out any hesitation

usman bin khalid 0301-4442226 Email:

P.S. please, ignore my spell & grammer mistakes and dont forget to subscribe


  1. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Good analysis, I want to buy old 125 y files. I have holding power of ~1 year.
    What is your expert opinion.

    Thanks and regards,

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      Yes go for it.. Return good profit in coming 3 to 4 months

  2. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Please give me advice for purchasing 250 yards old or 2 bed old appartment which one is best and when will be purchase thanks

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      Well. old projects has been down as expected i don’t think it will go more down so i think this is a good time, well both 250 and 2 bed old are equally good for short term investment i think 2 bed has little bit more on 250 sq yard

  3. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Please let me know which is better. 500 sq yards or 250 sq yards. Also let me know difference between old 2 bed and new 2 bed. Please advise me about the project location as well. Dont you think its very far.

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      I think if you have budget the go for 500 sq yards due to location. There is huge amount difference between new and old 2 bed . I suggest you go for old 2 bed if you are going for long term investment

  4. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Please advice is this right to sale 3 old 125 and buy 1 old 250 as 250 location is comparatively better.

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      Both will give u same profit. if u are looking for location then you are right but in my point of view if u are doing for only profit then dont do it.

  5. Usman-bin-Khalid


    i want to but bahria golf city 01 kanal plot, is it good for now and i can hold it for 02-03 years

    Usman Hassan

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      if you have holding power of 2 to 3 years then you can invest anything in bahria town project

      1. Muhammad Kashif

        I want to Purchase the 5 Marla Plot File Pls giude me what can i ask from file seller and what can i do pls guide me

  6. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Thanks Usman Sb,

    can you plz suggest me which sector should i go for,

    Golf city 500yrd
    BTK 500yrd or 250yrds *2
    or any other valuable suggestion

    Usman Hassan

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      Chose one 2 bed old n go for golf 500 sq yard due to location

  7. Haroon Arshad

    Not Recommended after Bahria Greens & Civic Commercial Lahore fraud. Malik Riaz is fraud and Bahria Town too.

  8. Tariq

    Today i have visited Bahria town office as i have received cancellation letter.I have paid two installment in in Oct-2014 of 10 marla plot .I have check my stauts is show block by bahria.Know they take both slips and send it to Karachi as asked me to wait 15days more .There is another issue if someone guide me that i have paid 150k instead of 152k in both installament.Should i pay 3rd or 4rth installment or wait from thier intimaiton letter

  9. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Dear Usman Sb
    Bahria has cancelled all down and one paid files. Do U not feel that it is irresponsible decision as it was matter of only two or three pending instalments not a big issue. Secondly on ethical grounds there is no on ground things but just commitments by bahria. They didn’t delivered first block pocession in end 2014. Also failed to deliver on Bahria Greens’ Civic Centre’ Sector F’ Enclave’ DHA valley and lot more.

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      Yes but in lahore dealer association and investors have a plan to massive protest against this decision
      After bahria management & union taken some time to resolve this issue other wise plan to protest on daily basis until decision reversed
      Well on your part call at karachi office, and record your protest i will update in website so then must participate in presence

  10. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Dear Usman Sahab,
    i want to buy 500 yards residential plot in golf city, but i have only 2 months holding power, whats your suggestion in this regard, and also share the current price of the above said plot.

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      Golf city files is currently totally base on speculation. yesterday it was about minus 4 lac and on last monday it was on level, Well if you purchased on more minus 4 lac and sale when ever it go on level this is a best choice for you keep in touch with market. If you are lahore based i will arrange you at best low price you can contact me on 0301-4442226


    Dear Usman SB,
    How can i purchase or investment in Bahria Town Karachi.

    Actually i want to purchase/invest the 1 residential plot/home in Bahria Town Karachi.

    Please help me or guide me.



  12. Akbar

    Usman Sb.,

    I have two 125 Sq. Yds. files for BT Karachi, which are full paid in terms of installments till now. Can you please recommend a viable sale price for the same? I would really appreciate your feedback.


  13. kami

    usman when will BTK project complete?? coz i purchased 250 yard plot in BTK and decided to move my family after complete my installment and build a house…plz guide me when will this project complete…?

  14. Imran

    Usman sb I have around 60 lac to invest for 2 to 4 yrs ..kindly advice should I invest in bahria enclave Islamabad /phase 8 /Karachi. .Also pleeeease a disease about bahria homes in Bahria karachi …how are these for investment and exactly how much I have to pay ……I want to invest in end April or first week of may ….

  15. Majid

    I want to purchase 200/250 Sq Yard plot in Bahria Town Karachi what is the current rate value and own. Dated 04-04-2015

  16. Sharafat

    Administrator please tell me when will bahria town karachi project rise again, because people have no money for installement. and the bahria town management will cancell the files and the middle class people’s money will be drowned because of bahria town.

  17. imran

    who asked you to buy when yu dint have funds for installments??? they are at right to ask for installments as they are developing and yu must have known the installment schedule at the time of purchase…its yur fault not bahrias

  18. Shoaib

    What is current scope of bahria town karachi 500 sq yards old files. Should we buy it? Pl guide

  19. Haroon

    Same topic with different names when bahria done fraud in Lahore

    Continue downfall of civic commercial bahria town lahore

    Bahria fraud

  20. qayyum

    Mr. Usman please guide at negative of Rs. 850,000, r u recommend Golf city 500 sq yard Plot of Bahria Town Karachi.

  21. Abid

    Not recommended.

    Haroon is right the same way civic commercial downfall started and the people who bought at negative even they aer still at loss.

    buying at negative does not mean it will give you profit. it will go more n more negative. your investment start decreasing day by day as bahria really did fraud in bahria greens and civic commercial Lahore.

    No one is erady to trust on bahria any more in Lahore specially.

  22. Tariq

    Absolutely agreed with Abid. As a matter of fact all new BTK deals (2-Bed Heights, Golf and Ali Block) doesn’t make any sense to lauch on such high prices. Moreover those who already stuck into these have no option to get rid of them and are being forced by Bahria to pay painful instalments. Bahria is not totally fraud.

  23. syed atif

    I want to buy 250 yards plot in bahria town they are selling files for 16 lakhs
    people are saying its fraud they sell files to multiple people is it true please advice

  24. ayed atif

    should we take bahria town residential plot

    what do you suggest

  25. Yasir Abdullah

    AOA Usman sb,
    I had bought one plot of 5marla in Bahria Town Lahore F Block. Still they did not bllot the plots for file holders. Plz put some valuable update on that.

  26. Omar

    Dear Usman,

    Could you please shed some light as to why the Bahria Golf City 500Sq Yards Plots have fallen to a low of minus eleven Lacs? Is there some risk associated to Golf City Plots?

    Thanks in advance,

  27. Hussain

    Now what is the situation of bahria town karachi?

  28. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Dear Usman
    I have 125sqyd precinct 10 file in btk my installment record is updated till today now 9 installment are remaining but I am able to pay just 3 more installments what is ur suggestion should I sell or hold

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      @ ali imran
      thats mean you have six months backup so dont need to sale it in currently worse market i m still positive about Bahira town karachi

  29. wajahat

    dear brothers ,

    i live in uae and by burning my skin i have made money of 10 lak
    i am able to pay 90000 rs installments in 3 months
    i want to know which block i will purchase
    because i have contacted many real state but as they see my number from uae
    they are giving me high rates

    Please any brother who can guide me what should i purchase because i wan to come back to pakistan

    1. Shoaib

      Go for bahria orchard 3 or D block 8 marla plots
      good thing is that bahria has land for these cuttings and development is in progress although a bit slow

      Total price is 32lac and 12 lac down payment. remaining in quarterly installments for 2.5 yrs

  30. Malik

    Looking for 500 yard plot in bahria town karachi. Any idea what is current rate? Please contact 0335 7192992

  31. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Dear Usman bhai
    Assalam o Alaikum.

    Your help, assistance and given expert advise on “Property Blog” is much appreciated – Jazak Allah !!

    I work and live in Dubai and would like to invest in BT Sports City Karachi on
    250 and 500 SQY plots

    1) Is this a good project for investment on short term or long term?
    2) While dealing with BT Dubai office, anything important to cover?

    Best Regards
    Shahid Rafique

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      call me on 0301-4442226 or whatsapp

      1. Fari

        Is it ur mobile number

  32. Mahmood Nawaz Khan

    Dear Usman bhai
    Assalam o Alaikum.

    I would like to invest in BT Sports City Karachi on
    250 plots, please guide me that Is this a good project for investment on short term or long term?

    Best Regards

  33. Usman-bin-Khalid


    i want to purchase a 125 yards Villa in BTK and want to keep this to live and for my children. what do you say? it will worth? seems like everyone is purchasing to sell after a time. why?

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      Yes keept it if you have aim to live there. Bcz bahria town infrastructure n facilites are beyond comparison to any other place.
      Omly investors/ dealers sell after got profit and find other opportunity.

  34. Engr Amjad Ali Ikram

    Dear us man bhai,
    Nice to read your in depth property analysis about bahria town karachi. Like other people I am also worried and struck up with bahria town karachi. I have two plots of 5 and 10 Marla and very difficultly managing their installments. I am just waiting for Good Time for their disposal. Kindly let me know when is the probable time for arrival of Goodness.
    Best regards,
    Engineer Amjad Ali Ikram

  35. Junaid Shahid

    I am going to invest in 2 plots 250 yards each in sports city. do you recommend it?

  36. Gnay Aly

    I am with fasting (ROZA) and if you trust all allottees whose files has been blocked just send me scan copies of all documents of BAHRIA TOWN by marking “MULTIPLE CROSS LINES WITH WRITTEN CANCELLED DOCUMENTS” to my email address:- and INSHALLAH I will prepare a draft letter with addresses to concerned authorities and I am confident that your file will be restored with the instruction of concerned authorities. No fees will be recovered from you as because it is my utmost effort to help all those allottees who had been deprived their life time savings by this SIN MALIK OF BAHRIA TOWN.

  37. imran yousaf

    Helo, i am Yousaf from faisalabad. i read all of writing data and plz tell us the up-to-date situation whats going on now a days.. prices are up or the same.. i have not any plot in bahria town karachi, but i am thinking to buy…..thats why just asking…


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