More Worries For Sector-F Files Holders Bahria Town Lahore

Hello, valuable readers today I am covering a bad rumor about sector -F Bahria Town lahore that is the pending land acquisition of Sector-F including phase 1 (underground plots i.e Sheikh saadi , Abu Bakar and Alamagir) and entire phase II of sector-F purchased by the New Lahore City Housing Society. You can see the massive advertisement of Premium Enclave which is new block of New Lahore City nowadays. New Lahore city will launch this above noted block on Sector-F location. If this rumor will go right situation will be more miserable for victim of sector-F files holders.

Rates of sector-F files of underground plots and phase II files are going terribly low due to this rumor and second issue is Bahria Town has demanding the pending installments and giving notices to Sector-F files holders. People who are already disturbed purchased these files in boom period , No ballot of phase II, underground plots of phase 1 , rumor and moreover demanding the all installments. All these issues made huge disappointment and increases the worries of sector-F files holders. They are also scared of cancellation because we have seen recently Bahria Town cancelled files in Karachi and restore files after heavy restoration fees. So numerous files of sector-F for sale in market and rare purchaser, at this time sector-F 10 marla file purchasing rate is 190,000 minus ( maximum minus since project has launched). On the other side if we see the sector- F plots which are fully developed like Ghaznavi, Sikanadar, Shershah, and Tipu block rates of these blocks are increasing day by day. From last two months 3 to 5 lac added on these blocks, minimum plot in sector-F developed plot at the price of 40 lac and maximum price is 52 lac. Those purchased in Ghaznavi or at the time of ballot plots given in above noted blocks enjoying profit.

Bahria town delivered till Sector-E and investors and bahria town both were in win -win situation, So Bahria Town shouldn’t betray the investors and give proper attention to these issues instead of entirely focusing on Bahria Town Karachi.

Well, Bahria town should seriously consider about this rumor , and shouldn’t pressurise regarding pending instalments, Those invested in bahria town Lahore already disappointed, and these issues are seriously harming the Bahria town image. Well, today one of reader of property blog called me and told me he had converse with Mr. Khurram Rajput ( G.M Sales of Bahria Town Lahore) according to Mr Khurram we have purchased 75% pending land of sector-F and plots will start develop on this September. Well, I can only wish this should happen as said , well hope for the best.

In the end I would suggest the victim of sector-F file holders must raise their voice and account their protest through emails, telephone, and whatever the medium they want to use. They must pressurize Bahria town’s management regarding sector -F issues.

Well, your valuable comments are always welcome, if some one has queries and doubts regarding bahria town project feel free to post your comments , I will answer you through comments box . Moreover you can also contact me without any hesitation.

Usman bin Khalid 0301-4442226


see latest article on sector F


  1. kashif

    dear Usman bhai!
    bad news…i have a plot in alamgir and bought at a very high rate 1.5 years back….what do you suggest?? should i hold it or sell it and bear loss???

  2. Usman-bin-Khalid

    i think Bahria and malik riaz have decided in principle to leave lahore due to not so good relations with shareef family. they are not interested anymore in expanding BTL otherwise they wouldnt be taking these steps which is sinking their image with every passing day. now who will invest in future projects?? this will also create troubles for BTK image…..but they have made so much money that it doesnt bother them… Malik Riaz should fear Allah and stay away from commiting fraud with middle class people.

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      @ Dear kashif wait for another month and let the whole picture clear. Well you are saying right , even bahria town higher representatives of lahore saying Malik riaz entire focus on bahria town karachi.

  3. Usman-bin-Khalid

    This is terrible situation LDA has already warned investors to stay away from BT sector F. Bahria management is doing frauds with middle class people of Pakistan. Without having land they are threatening through cancellation notices. Moreover apply surcharge for things those are not on grounds. I think Media should come to expose Malik Riaz for his multiple frauds.

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      Media will not intervene due to heavy advertisement of Bahria town projects on media. They wont to lose their big client.

      1. Ali hassan

        Please join us on whatsapp group. We need more members in order to safeguard our interest.

        1. Saud

          Add me plz pn watsapp my num is 03008440180

  4. Raja

    Greedy Bahria management is trying to get rid of sector F file holders through file cancellations and giving only 75% refund. There are thousands of files they had already sold out.

  5. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Bahria seems to be drowned in Bahray-Arab (Arabian Sea).

    So much loss after investing in property to people of Lahore.

    Now Nobody will buy files/plots any more in Lahore

    Files are flooding in Property Market and Now LDA and others have also joined the game

    Why this is happening? We have stuck our money.

    Bahria must deliver the project.

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      Yes after starting down fall of sector-F , investors are facing heavy loss in F, Green valley and Civic. Malik Riaz must consider these issues.

      1. Arslan

        Infact ‘ Malik Riaz don’t want to consider these issues rather to grab more money from innocent people. Usman you are focusing only three projects apart from these there are so many others i.e.Enclave DHA Valley and Golf veiw residencia.

  6. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Dear Usman bhai
    What could be the way to record protect as these are really severe issues. Someone should take action against them

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      See mr ali riaz msg i think it will be a best move.

  7. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Dear affectees of sector F
    Assalam o alaikum

    I think this is time when we all should be united. we should exchange our cell numbers for discussion and future planning. we should choose one leader. we should make a programme to visit bahria head office altogether after fixing date and time. we should create maximum pressure on Bahria for balloting and possesion of plots. please comment if u people agree with the idea but one thing is clear that we should be united and show our strength. if some one has another idea please discuss but please don’t waste more time…….

    thanks and regards

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      Agree with Ali riaz statement.

      1. TAK

        Good idea
        Otherwise Bahria will not care about it. Let’ decide where to meet to save our hard earn money

        1. Ali hassan

          Please join our whatsapp group

  8. Haroon

    Why didn’t Bahria bought that land when they marked on map as to be future phases of Sector F. I hope it remains as a rumor. It looks like Bahria Town Lahore will no see any further development till next 4-5 years till Bahria Town Karachi is completed. They have taken all money from Sector F, Enclave 2, Civic and Greens and have invested in Karachi.

    I bought a file last year and have paid all instalments and still no sign of plot. I regret buying at Bahria Town. I should have chosen an on-ground plot in some other society instead. Huge mistake.

  9. kashif

    protest will have no effect as media will not give coverage.. plus Malik Riaz is no more interested in Lahore so will not care about reputation of lahore projects. if only there is a powerful dealers association like there is one in DHA can create an impact. since dealers earn their bread and butter from bahria and indirectly effected by negative sentiments in market. so they should present this case to higher management on a unified platform.

    1. Arslan

      Bahria will deceive to investors in BTK too.

  10. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Assalam o alaikum

    today i have some telephonic conversation with Mr rauf, the marketing manager of Bahria town at main bahria town office, alfalah building, lahore. I asked him about the latest rumor i.e the new lahore city purchased the land of sector F phase-2. He replied that this is just a rumor and we are ready for sector F balloting in june, 2015. he further replied that development of sector F phase-2 at multan road side is under way. I would like if some property experts may comment on these views.

    thanks & regards

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      @ i haven’t seen any development , well i will go n see it than will tell here, well i haven’t seen so far , i wish it will be happened as they said

      1. Ali

        Uzair join our whatsapp group, we are now 50 members and had one meeting 2 weeks back. Second meeting to be held soon. Plz sms ur no to ALi on 03334694007.

  11. Abid

    Malik Riaz harami dala. Ghasti ka bacha . lutti nasal ka bahria greens ky files main is harami nay. Yeh karchi walo ki maal bhi kha jaye ga. Is ko kuttay ki mout naseeb ho.

  12. Ali Uzair

    Assalam o Alaikum

    if every one agree, then we may meet 0n 25th april, 2015 saturday. time and location may be decided with mutual consent.

    plz comment if all are agree.

    thanks and regards

    1. Tariq

      Great Initiative Uzair bhai
      We appreciate your efforts and we will definitely join you. Lets decide venue and timings.

  13. Asim

    agreed!! many victims doesn’t know about this platform. We should spread this message on social media like twitter facebook google etc via mobile phone messafe service.

  14. Tariq

    Dear Usman
    it is almost two years passed bahria didn’t announce Green Valley location. Neither it is expected soon or in near future. What are legal laws about to such kind of situation. For how long bahria can utilize investor’s money

  15. kashif

    there is no law for rich and powerful in Pakistan.Law is the maid of Malik Riazs house. only Allah can punish fraud people like him. just pray to Allah in every namaz to teach this con man a lesson..Insha Allah he will be caught

  16. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Assalam o alaikum

    dear all

    thanks for appreciation Asim, if all are agree then we may meet outside the bahria town main office, at alfalah building bahria town lahore. if u people are agree then we may share our cell numbers on this platform and inform all our friends. waiting for valuable comments and suggestions from usman bin khalid.

    thanks and regards

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      Please Support mr ali uzair especially rajab, sumbal zahid

  17. Ali Uzair

    Assalam o alaikum


    I was waiting for responses from all the affectees but got no response. I think no one is ready for combined protest. Now you may record your protest individually.

    thanks and regards

  18. Asim

    I just found page over facebook.

    Join this page for protest against Bahria Town Fraud and Scam.

    Will get latest information and timing and venue against Bahria Town Protest.


  19. Tariq

    Very Good initiatives indeed Ali Uzair & Asim
    I am also with you guys. Let’s plan to meet on Saturday.

  20. Tariq

    Dear Asim and Ali Uzair
    We should meet tomorrow @Alfalah building Main Bahria

  21. Abid

    What is the time for tomorrow meeting ??

  22. kashif

    today Lahore ring Road south loop got approved by government of punjab… any news about impact on bahria?? means will it cut through sector E???

  23. Tariq

    Dear Usman
    Would you please comment on latest Sector F land acquiring situation and next balloting.

  24. Usman-bin-Khalid

    There is no confirm news so far .

  25. Ali Uzair

    Assalam o alaikum


    Today I have meeting with some bahria town officials, they told me that the balloting of sector F will must be conducted before 30th june, 2015. They also told me that a lot of plots of developed blocks are still available and will be allotted after balloting. I would like if some property expert comment on these remarks of bahria officials.

    thanks and regards

  26. Rameez

    Its is only Lolly POP as numerous 30th June had passed away but they didn’t nothing. All developed plots had already beed sold to their beloved dealars. As a matter of fact they don’t have land for rest of Sector F blocks i.e. only reason not to do balloting.

  27. Waseem

    Malik Riaz is culprit. He deceived people. He pretend himself philanthropist but in reality malik Riaz is a mother fucker.

  28. Usman-bin-Khalid

    I,think Ali uzair idea is valid but most of real investors are in overseas that’s why not able to join you in field.Also this forum is not famous as I also got this by luck.we need a strong forum to address this issue and also attract people to join us in field otherwise no body care.

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      this forum may be not famous for overall real estate market of Pakistan, but for bahria town only you cant get more famous forum/ website/ blog in Pakistan. So you can viral this post.

  29. Usman-bin-Khalid

    You are very right Irfan. We all should meet each other to decide way forward. In this way we would be able to gather a bigger forum to deal with the situation. I am with you guys.. Ali Uzair and Asim please come and join

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      You all should leave your numbers simply and attract more people , i can give you so many numbers those are victim of sector -F files.

      1. irfan

        thats will be grt(usman)

  30. kashif

    there is another website which i have been following. the expert (realtor) over there (who has massive following and seems well connected) wrote that only Lahore ring road final alignment is stopping bahria from balloting sector F. according to him. once LRR route is finalized, bahria will commence work on stalled projects as talks are going on beetween bahria management and Punjab government regarding final route of LRR southern loop.

    1. Ahsaan

      please share link

  31. Baloch

    Dear all sector F affecties,

    We need to put our serious effort and stage demonstration against Bahria’s delayed delivery of Lahore projects. It’s now or never. Can someone here on forum take the lead and start working towards co-ordinated effort and guys we all must and will have to support him as it would be our last chance to get things moving in our favour(inshAllah)else our money will stuck for years.

    Please take it serious this time and do some meaningful action rather than just leaving comments here on forum.


  32. Ali

    There are number of professionals in the UK who endeavored to invest in sector F back home. Bahria town has clearly failed to deliver within timeline.If you start protesting against Bahria town’s unprofessional,unethical and illegal act,we will join you from overseas.

    I understand media in Pakistan could have some reservations and conflict of interest in not revealing about current situation at sector f and some other projects.We however could mobilize media and local resources in the UK to influence and highlight this predicament.

  33. Usman-bin-Khalid

    why you people are scared of mention of your contact numbers, Must post your numbers instead of just posting comments.

  34. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Scared so no one could call, let the things remain on this forum one sweet day when we will wake up then revolution will be there and every thing will be perfect as we dream.

    By the way Usman, my friend tried to contact you (on your Mob starting with 0301) for sale of his plot in Ghaznavi and you gave him offer but some one else responded as wrong number. What is your correct number.

    Frankly speaking i told him to wait for sale till possession of Ghaznavi is announced. Whats your opinion and let me know about Golf view land status how is the situation there.

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      @ dear rajab
      How it is possible, I had converse with your friends at whatsapp, well he can get my number through whatsapp conservation as you know i always mention my number in each article, Well 0301-4442226 is my number.

      Rates has been already at peak , at this time my suggest sale it and invest in bahria orchard, perfect time to invest in bahria orchard. Well Golf view land status is as same as sector-F.

  35. Fakhir

    Time is passing but situation is getting more controversial in Sector F. Bahria’s demand of instalment is unfair for U ground plots.
    Those interested in protest’ please put your name and contact number is below mentioned email address.

    1. Fakhir

      Since we are receiving couple of good responses. Please share your contacts and details in below mentioned email address so that we would be able to establish bigger forum with mutual understanding to resolve this issue.

      Looking forward towards to resolve sector F land acquisition issue soon.

  36. sjirjeel

    Hi there.
    I really wants to join the protest, but we r leaving in uae..from hard efforts I somehow managed to pay each installment on tym..but in the end my plot is in minus I paid 3 lac more for this…no news for balloting…stucked up

  37. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Sector-F files are going down day by day, Sector-F 10 marla current file rate is minus 280,000 to 300,000

  38. Ali Uzair

    It is very sad news that sector F files are going down day by day. I tried my level best on this forum to show our strength and protest against Bahria but unfortunately I did not found positive response.

    Hope for the best

  39. Usman-bin-Khalid

    if you guys need my any assistance on this matter, i m ready My contact number is 0301-4442226

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      Dear Usman
      I tried calling you on your number couple of times but your number is constantly off.please share a number n which i can reach you. Thanks

      1. Usman-bin-Khalid

        0301-4442226 is my number. You can call any time, its very rare you find my number off.

  40. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Dear usman which kind of help/assistance u can provide us or u advise us which is the best way to protest against Bahria.

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      Dear Ali, i can go with you people in Bahria Office, You suggestion as noted above is the best way. Go together in Bahria office at least 4 to 8 visit in a month and should talk with higher authorities.

  41. imran

    the irony is , most of the investors are overseas Pakistanis and we being abroad cannot join any protest….we can only pray. there are news in media that Militiary is going after Malik Riaz due to these kinds of frauds… I hope Malik Riaz will also be watching this and should resolve all these issues before he gets arrested

  42. Irfan

    Agreed with Imran,

  43. Irfan khan

    I am overseas pakistani. I invested in Bahria Lahore civic commercial project almost 3 years ago.
    Malik Riaz is dirty person such a bastard he has changed map of civic commercial 3 times. Till start to date we are not confirmed what will happened.
    I have just come to know no one has submitted a single installment of this project and Ihave already submitted 2 iinstalments.
    This bastard has opened mergering scheme 3 to 4 times. Revamped map many times.
    I can just abuse this rascal nothing else. Malik Riaz is a criminal wasted our hard earned money.
    I would say don’t trust this bastard anymore.

    1. Fiaz

      sorry for you Irfan. Don’t pay a single penny to Bahria. It is certain now bahria is doing fraud with people.

  44. Rajab

    Can honey bee avoid attraction of flower, answer is No.

    Same way, Malik riaz will make new trap and despite of all current issues people will get in to honey trap again. He will make one or 2 project partially successfully but next 6 project he will suck the money.

  45. Usman-bin-Khalid


    I saw your posts, i really appreciate the efforts of Usman Bin Khalid. Well I have purchased two files and paid all installments. I spoke with Khuram Rajput in Mar-2015 and he said that on Jun-2015, they will definietly do balloting for all of those who paid full installments.

    If you have any other information then please share. Moreover, my friends also invested in the same sector and we are all residing in Saudi Arabia.

    It would be great if we get togather and complain bahria to resolve this ASAP.

    My contact is 00966 54 00 77 258, for further conversations


    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      Dear tariq thanks for appreciate, Well, there is no sign of ballot in June so far. You should continue talk with Mr kHURRAM Rajput and keep pressurise.

  46. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Dear Tariq

    I have some discussion with senior management of bahria town. They assured that the balloting of sector F will be conducted at the end of june or in first week of july. Lets hope for the best

    Thanks & regards

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      how will balloting or map will change anything? sheikh saadi, alamgir , bahria golf view all are balloted and map present.. they release a fake map to give hopes to investors wothout having required land… game changer will be start of development work on these projects… map and ballot has no value

      1. Usman-bin-Khalid

        @ imran , Mr ali is talking about Sector- f PHASE 2 files. Phase 1 ballot has been done now the issue is land acquisition for phase 1. Hope at the time of ballot Sector- phase 2, issues of phase 1 will also solve.

  47. imran

    yes Usman sb.. I know that..what Im saying is they have already balloted alamgir, sheikh saadi etc but failed to solve issue on ground… holding a bllot doesnt solve any problems untill they aquire the land to deliver project… my gut feeling is they will accomodate all sector f unground plots and files in bahria greens across orchards on raiwind road

  48. ahmed

    I am also bahria sector f victim, plz contact at, for combined protests, I am available in Lahore

    1. Shahid

      We Purchased 10 Marla Plot in Bahria Town (Sector F) but we could not pay full installments due to some reasons, we just pay down payment and 02 installments.

      Is there any chance of recovery…

      03008230240 Shahid

  49. Mustafa Shirjeel

    we have to raise our voice…. i am in +971-563289277…

  50. tariq

    Despite having no land for sector F’ Bahria has blocked all partial paid files. Situation is going to be more terrible

  51. Kashif

    I am also victim of sector f contect and make some group in whats up or viber 0097455617640

    1. Muhammad jamil

      I am also in the same boat.full paied instalments sector f.waiting for balloting.pls add my no in group.03129797929
      Pls tell me if any person have any latest news

  52. Ali

    I paid all installment of sector F 10 Marla plot and got location in Sheikh Saadi block in the last balloting. Is this concern for those as well who already have the plots allotted on the map?

    1. Yaseen

      my dear whats your plot no

      1. Farooq ahmed

        gmail .com

  53. shirjeel

    Hi there..any news for the balloting…rumor was June 2015 for the month of balloting..kindly update

  54. JD

    Well, june is gone. Any update on the balloting ?

  55. Nadeem

    I also paid all installments but not yet get the plot. Can anyone tell about second balloting. There was notice issued in Feb 2015 for those who didnt pay installments that Management will cancel there files.

  56. Haseeb

    june is past now ,
    New goli is september ,
    F sector RIP ….

  57. Qaisar

    June is past but NO development happened in Abu Bakar’ Sheikh Saadu and Alamgir block. Anyone please share latest update on Sector F

  58. tariq

    June is past but NO development happened in Abu Bakar’ Sheikh Saadu and Alamgir block. Anyone please share latest update on Sector F

  59. imran

    i met mr Zubair in bahria orchard office.. he was saying they cant give any timeline for development.when I pressed too much, he said keep 1 year in mind to expect start of development. all in all I dont think they will develop these blocks judging from his body language. he was also saying its mentioned in the contract which we signed that we cant ask for the development timeline and its upto bahria to decide when to develop

    1. Tariq

      Thanks Imran for update.
      Bahria is not likely to be the best real estate of the country rather doing cheap and en ethical practices. Its not only sector F rather they failed to deliver Bahria Greens’ Civic Centre’ Enclave Islamabad’ DHA Valley and also playing silly tricks in Karachi. Its better to stay

      1. IQ

        Thanks for the update, yes bahria is using delay tactics.

  60. Inam ul Haq

    I also have paid all installments of a 10 marla file in F sector Bahria Lahore.

    Is there any way to raise the voice jointly?? As from the first hand information I have come to know that Bahria town is not going to do anything on the balloting of F sector in the near future or atleast in the year 2015.

    Raising a voice at an individual level is not going to solve the problem and the only solution in this case is put pressure altogether on Bahria town management which i believe is only Malid Riaz or his close relative who is handling Bahria lahore. Rest of the people are just employees without having an concrete information and most importantly not at all in a position to take any decision on this matter.

    1. sector F victim

      Join whatsapp group on cell number 03334694007

  61. Ali Hassan

    Aoa Respected file holders..I am also a victim of sector f, I have also a file in premiere enclave. As per reliable sources New lahore city has acquired much land adjacent to sector f as bahria towns management was sleeping while the acquisition was being done by New Lahore City..I came to know that land owners are not agree to sell their land less than Rs.20 million per acre now. Well lets join hands to pressurise bahria town..I am creating a group at whatsapp for sector f victims. Please pm me on whatsapp. We should be united now before its too late.
    Ali 03334694007

    1. Shahzada Kamran

      Dear All,

      I’m also the victim of F sector Can you please add me in What’s app because i didn’t find your number on whatsapp. Add me please 03214774999 I’m from Lahore

      Thanks & Regards
      Shahzada Kamran

      1. waseem

        Can you please add me to the whats app group. my number is 0017174402628


  62. Ali Hassan

    Please dont be reluctant lets join hands to save our financial interest. Please pm me on cell no is 03334694007 I have made a whatsapp group.
    The problem will be solved through combined efforts rather individually INSHALLAH..Individually they will be happy to give you ‘golliyan’ everytime whereas it would be like impossible if we meet the senior management collectively.
    Please be serious and active before its too late.

    1. Haseeb

      Dear Ali Hassan,

      I’m also the victim of same scenario. Can you please add me in What’s app because i didn’t find your number on whatsapp. Add me please 00965 51331322. I’m from Kuwait.

      Thank You

  63. Kashif

    Is there any development in sector E or F i from london and also awaiting for 2nd balloting for sector f i have spoken to london bahria office but was not convinced with there answer .if this sort of situation occard in london we could have involved trading standards but in pk only supremecourt can do somevthing .

  64. sector F victim

    All sector F victims should join hands.

  65. sector F victim

    Join group made by Mr. Ali Hassan on what’s app his number is 03334694007

  66. Umair

    Dear All,

    I’m also the victim of same scenario. Can you please add me in What’s app because i didn’t find your number on whatsapp. Add me please 03007389773. I’m from Lahore

    Thank You

  67. abdul basit

    Dear All,

    I have a plot in Abu Bakar block, anyone knows if the land is acquired or still we are at same stage.

    Thank you

  68. Tariq

    Very disappointing duration and serious question mark at Bahria end. Still the situation is same. Bahria is not interested to develops.

  69. awan

    I had visited them 9th oct-15 and they said 4 blocks are ready and going to start on other 3 Blocks and F sector 2nd balloting will be around 15-JAN-16 and till 20-JAN-16 plot no will be given. They also said that in market there are rumors but this is official update. Rest Allah knows better….


  70. ZA

    Dont believe in what Bahria Town Officials Say. They have been telling a lie for the last 2 years and giving official dates. Actually they want to disappoint the investors so that they withdraw their investments. They are failing to aquire the cheap land as usual and earn enough.

  71. Saleem

    Bahria has done multiple frauds in Lahore. Green Valley’ Civic Commercial’ Golf and Sector F. Shame on Bahria

  72. Faarukh

    Plz update me about sector f

  73. sapbwdev

    I am also a victim of F block. I paid full for 1 Kanal file and not I am getting afraid by the rumors I have been hearing.
    I sent Bahria Town numerous emails but they didn’t reply to any. I am based out of USA and tired reaching Bahria Town office in New York but the numbers is disconnected.
    Is there any way to get the money back?
    I will really appreciate any valuable feedback.
    I learned my lesson not to ever INVEST with BAHRIA town.

  74. Arslan

    Bahria management stance is very ordinary type on Sector F and Green Valley. Neither giving plot nor refunding money. Its totally fraud.

  75. Sheraz

    I have visited the location of Behria Town sector F multiple times as we have a form house in sundar. The situation on the groud is that New Lahore City has developed its society where on Behria Town Maps the remaining blocks of Behria Town were supposed to be developed.
    Have heard rumours of file adjustments into developed blocks of F sector by the management for special cases. I have also heard adjustments in Orchar villas. But overall, Bahria Town does not seems to have future in Punjab till PMLN is here. So guys, another reason to vote for PTI.

  76. Tabassum

    Hello folks
    I am in the same boat as most of you. All paid but no news. Any update pl?

    1. Muhammad zubair

      Aslmualkm. I m also same like you paid allbut still get nothing from bahria sector f…please any update just let me know. Thanks

  77. Tayab khan

    I have plot in alamgee block plz tell me abut this block, and plz make group for united hands , its my number 0322-8555859 tayab khan anyone can contact me regarding sector f

  78. Tahir

    I am Also a victim Sector F lahore. Visited many times Bahria main office but no positive response. We should raise our voice together if want to get something from these Fruads. My contact number is given below for any protest aor anything else. 0321-4444364

    1. IM

      Please message on whatsapp to Mr Ali on 03334694007. He will add you in the group.

  79. Atif

    Aoa. I m also same like you paid all and at right time but till now got nothing from Bahria sector f… If there comes any updates, plz share me. Thanks

  80. Usman-bin-Khalid
    click on the above link to get latest info and read comment below.

    Well, Bahria management has taken some positve steps regarding Sector- F issue. Bahria Town has also acquired 70 to 80 kanal land behind this new Sector-F ghaznavi cutting ( map in article) from Sui-Gas Society, Sui-Gas society reserved that land for graveyard but now they have shifted it towards to medical city.
    In the same way they have also acquried land near Tipu block . There is also info Bahria Town is involving Pubjab Govt ti purchase land at DC rate as they own 75% of land for the project so they have priority right to get rest of land for Sector-F, According to Bahria management they have given more than 1 billion to Punjab Govt in this regard.
    Well Bahria town also acquirng land on large scale in Bahria Orchard premisis, Sector-F files will may also adjust there,
    I wish everything will happen as i noted .

  81. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Well, those commented on this post after october, They are bit late, to adjust plots in a new cutting of Ghaznavi of just about 50 to 60 pllots. As market is getting better of Sector-F after people percieving bahria town is going to sort out this issue in coming several months and thats also look to me. But i advise those having non-ballot should continue followup to bahria towm office to ask about it.
    Well, and use your sources for adjustment , No one will come to your home until you need to be active.

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      usman bhai….any updates about balloted but unground blocks?? like alamgir sheikh saadi etc???

      1. Usman-bin-Khalid

        Price as raised up to 2 to 3 lac onn, regarding development still no progess so far. Well according to Bahria Town land process has been started but i guess it will take at least six or more months. Lets see things will get clear when gonna start on earth.

  82. Naeem

    Dear all. I am in the same boat. I heard 2 to 3 months back there were group of 50 to 60 person like us. They together went to Bahria office n show protest. So Bahria make there list n allot them plot no. Now they only take application n return. Lets make a group n visit Bahria Office. Please need your suggestion on this idea. Regards to all

  83. dr shaheen

    I am also in the same boat.full paied instalments sector f.waiting for balloting.pls add my no in group.03007701645
    Pls tell me if any person have any latest news

  84. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Read this article you will get latest information of Sector- F ballot which is going to be held on 15 jan 2016 probably

    1. bilalfaisal

      15 guzr b gyi?new ?date

  85. bushra

    I am interested in buying a plot in sector F. Please advice me in this regard .

    1. Aamer sohail

      Y not now a days good option to buy

  86. Awan

    F Sector balloting on 15-MAR-2016 announced today 23-JAN-16 by Bahria Town and after that development will take 4 months approximately. Thanks to Usman-bin-Khalid for his update.


    1. bilalfaisal

      dekhte hain bro promises to 3 saal se chalrehay hain
      but mushkil h mily apko zamenn len ge to plot denge

      1. bilalfaisal

        apko yeh info kisne di confirm hai? mujy jehan tk pta f sector walo ko kahen r kise side pe denge plots

  87. Aamer Sohail

    Two years before i say behria town has no competitor.Then my life worst decision to buy file of sector “F” 2 file 5 marla and 1 file 10 marla.after 1 year completion of installment we have no surity behria give our actual amount..Now behria Town time is on end.Hero se Zero

  88. Ghulam Saani

    I have i also the plot of ONE kanal in bahria town sector f, Abu Bake Block, Just i coming from pakistan & talked Mr. Aalamgir at Bahria town , as per Mr. Aalamgir development work has been started there & mid of February 2016 you can see the sign boards at Abu bakr block roads, can any body verify, Is that true or wrong ?
    mid of this year bahria town management give us the Possession of Sector also verify ?

    1. bilalfaisal

      abhee too land h bro hmra jb len ge btao ga

  89. imran

    this is only a goli given to you by mr Alamgir

  90. ghulam saani

    please add me in this group 00966546290231, I am also the the victim of Bahria town sector F.

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      Sohail Chadhar 03356160000
      he made this group, send yours number through whatsapp.

  91. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Please add me in Group +4530541266

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      imran bhai mention number victims of sec f at whatsapp

  92. Usman-bin-Khalid

    The good news is that 10 marla files rates are going up speedily after that notice. Today the rate of 10 marla file was 400,000 onn/profit.

    1. AHMED


  93. Usman-bin-Khalid

    prices of sector F files are getting better day by day.
    sector F today rates 28-01-2016
    5 marla @ 250,000 to 300,000 profit
    10 marla @ 450,000 to 475,000 profit
    1 kanal @ 54 lac to 54.75 total price

  94. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Pl let me know the rate of 5 marla plot in bahria greens and any update on future of this project

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      5 marla rate minus 130 to 140 . green valley issue resolve after sector F

  95. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Hi, What is the contact no of F sector whatsapp? thanks

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      Sohail Chadhar 03356160000
      he made this group, send yours number through whatsapp

  96. Dr. M. Jasra Bhatti

    I m also sufferer of sh. Sadi block of sector F.

  97. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Dear Usman,

    How is the story of GVR vs LRR is going on do you have any thrilling news for us or story finished before its start.

    Thanks for sparing your precious time.

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      Posting Soon in detail.

  98. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Usman bhai any update on 2nd ballot of BTK residential plots

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      Expected Ballot Date of BTK is 23rd March 2016.

      1. Awan

        What is this BTK you mean Bahria Town Karachi?

  99. Muhammad

    Thanks a lot u r always forthcoming

  100. Usman-bin-Khalid

    I have a 10 marla plot in Alamgir block. It is balloted but not on ground. Can you please give me some idea regarding the possession?

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      There is no time frame for possession, first bahria need to acquire land after acquiring land development will take hardly four to 5 months after that possession will be given in that blocks.

      1. rehman jamil

        Sir I have been allotted file number in tariq bin zayaad of one kanal and I have already paid full payments kindly pls tell me where will be our plot? Is it in air or moon. I am suffering so much dream of having a house in bahria I don’t know when it’s gonna be true ? When the maps are coming and when we are going on ground .my number is 03129797929. Kindly pls brief me of the situation as soon as possible and help me get of this tension from last two years….

  101. Usman-bin-Khalid

    im also on same ship. have a plot there. there is no timeline for development and as per news bahria still doesnt have land there. just keep waiting for bahria to do anything about that. but since all the adjacent developed blocks have gained in price significantly so Alamgir rates are also improving but real game changer will be start of development

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      perfect evaluation, in ghaznvi block location plots demand about 7 million n more similary in shershah above 6 millions. after on ground sheikh saadi n almagir immediately touch 6 million

  102. Usman-bin-Khalid

    prices of sector F files are going up very speedy especially 10 marla .
    Today rate was in evening 02-01-2016
    price of 10 marla sector F buying rate 620,000 onn/ profit n selling rate 650,000 onn/profit

  103. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Continue upward of Sector F Files Price/rates 03-01-2016

    5 MARLA sector F file rate buying rate 510,000 & Selling rate 540,000
    10 Marla Sector F File rate Buying price 710,000 Selling Price 740,000
    1 Kanal Sector F file price 5,650,000 to 5,700,000

  104. Usman-bin-Khalid

    In this whole situation the real balloted allottee alamgairian buyers to build the house for thier own living are badly damaged and hurt by the un toward silence and panic created by the bahia town management and it creates a life suffering damage to the innocent genuine buyers who bought plots for living and paid all the instalments and now they are going to thier retirement age from thier services and they don’t have thier home for livings,so under hard panic situation from bahria marketing administration may look in to those blocks which are not on the ground yet and allottee should be adjusted to nearby reserved plots in sector F BLOCK ie talah block etc so they may not suffer more and they start thier dream life in bahria town without more sufferings day by day from construction price increase and the marketing wing must not shake the bahria town’s reputation. Real estate Business is thier right but they should not play with innocent genuine home needy,s. They must get a lesson from saith abid’s life history a big real estate founder tycoon in Pakistan

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid


      1. Rajab



  105. SAANI

    Dear Usman SAhib, HAve you any update regarding Bahria town sector F , Abu bakr Block construction /development work at site & possession . what is your acceptation for possession.

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      Dear Usman Sahib
      I have a 10 marla plot in Alamgir and didn’t pay the last installment , Please guide me either I have to pay the last installment or have to wait for possession. My plot is on 80 feet boulevard.

      1. Usman-bin-Khalid

        dead submitt your last instalment as soon as possible, bahria already cancelled even non-balloted files. only full paid files trade in market. rates of almagir plots are now touching 45 lac

        1. Usman-bin-Khalid

          well i heard Bahria purchased some land in abu bakar, well current position is abu bakar in highly demand . Price of 1 kanal plot in ABU BAKAR 65 lac to 75 lac

  106. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Dear Usman sb. kindly update us regarding the latest price of sector-f non balloted file rates of 10 marla…

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      price of Sector F 10 marla non-balloted was 750,000 onn profit on last thursday

  107. kaiser

    IF any one interested in selling or purchasing in bahria town sector F then call me or sms or watsapp on my given mention number.


  108. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Dear Usman,
    Can you please tell me what is the size of 10 marla plot in feet in Alamgir block. I mean is it 35×70 or 35×65?

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      I remember at the launching time of Sector-F , This extra feature was added all plots of Sector-F 10 marla dimension will be 35*70. It will clear when possession will be given in Sector-F.

  109. Usman-bin-Khalid

    We have seen dramatic Jump in Sector- F files in last three days. Last week rates were settled but in last couple of days Sector-F files price raised 4 to 5 lac especially in 10 marla & 1 kanal.

    Sector F today File rates ( 15-02-16)

    ~ 5 marla Buying Price 540,000 Selling Price 570,000

    ~ 10 marla Buying Price 1,000,000 Selling Price 1,050,000

    ~ 1 kanal Buying Price 6,200,000 Selling Price 6,250,000

    1. ZA

      Dear Usman Sb,
      Can you please tell when the balloting of sector f 5 marla is expected and what about possession afterwards
      thanks in advance

  110. rana

    I have one file 5 Marl in sector f paid all instalment butt still waiting for balloted if some one have information please tell me or add me in whatapp group 00971503673026 thanks

  111. Ghulam Saani

    Dear Usman SAhib. What about already balloted plots was held two years back, BT will balloted again or old plots numbers & location will remain same, have you any ida ?

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      I guess balloted plots will not ballot again.

  112. Kashif

    Dear Usman, I have 1 Kanal plot not balloted, all installments paid long back, could you please guide me either to hold or sell it or even i can sell it or not? I am overseas pakistani and fed up from BT lies.

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      you can sell it but my suggestion keep it on next ballot expected on 15th march 2016

  113. Usman-bin-Khalid

    Sector F non balloted files today rate 27-02-2016

    5 marla Sector F price 520,000 to 560,000 Profit
    10 marla Sector F price 870,000 to 900,000 Profit
    1 kanal Sector F price 6,200,000 to 6,250,000 full price

  114. Awan

    Bahria Lahore sector F victim can your cell to +4530541266 to get added in WhatsApp group, we will plan to make a joint effort to get our long awaited plots.

  115. sheikh

    I am also one of the victim of sector f and green valley plots.
    I have 4 paid cancel file in sector f, can i reinstate it or should it be refunded, but there is a huge loss, how to get rid of that?

    Please advice.

    1. Imran

      Aoa, Dear Mutasreen Bahria Ahtijaj on Sat. 26 Mar 9.30 at Orchad & 11.30 at Alflah plz Join sure, also invite new members & send me to add??

      1. MF Ghauri

        Bahria Town owner Malik Riaz who is posing himself to be a genuine real estate owner is playing with the hard earned money of the people. In sector F, we have got the plot nos. since 2 years back but still no possession. He is known to be a MASEEHA for the poor masses of pakistan and helping hand in each and every problem of pakistan but on the other hand he is playing with the big money of sector F victims who are eagerly waiting to start build their home, they had dream long time back. What is the benefit of such name when you are copying the politicians of pakistan. Pls do it to get the people out of the hell u created for the affectees with your sharp business tacts. Sorry to say, Malik Riaz , the name of dignity, honour, has lost its real respect and everyone is cursing his this policy of loot khasoot like others.
        Note: Bahria office management has no role and fault in this cheater plan of Malik Riaz and he is solely responsible and enjoying the highest interest on our millions amount of sector F while keeping the victims in deep shock.

  116. Muhammad Ali Chughtai

    Malik Riydh is jsut a fraud. He plays with the money of ppl. Real fraud man. i am a victom of secter f file . again the ballating is done and even i have paid all my dues in time. my file was not included in balloting.

    Dont invest in bahria brotherr. My advise to ppl buy land which is available for instently.


    1. Imran

      Aoa, Dear Mutasreen Bahria Ahtijaj on Sat. 26 Mar 9.30 at Orchad & 11.30 at Alflah plz Join sure, also invite new members & send me to add??

  117. Muhammad Ali Chughtai






  118. Arsalan

    So called balloting is just lollypop and alloted plots will remain in the map but not on ground.

  119. Javed

    Not all full paid files have been balloted. This 2nd balloting was done behind closed doors. Mr Khurram Rajput has cheated the public again.

    Victims of cancelled plots and plots that have not been balloted full paid should arrange a protest.

    How come files that are not full paid in golf view resistencia have not been cancelled

  120. Victim

    Malik Riaz and shahid qureshi both are pigs. Yeh dono harami aur najaeez ulaad hain. In Sha Allah in ko JAHANUM main alla muqaam milay ga. Kuttay ki moot aye gi in harmioon ko. Is nay hamari haq halal ki kamai say civic commercial aur sector F wala fraud keya.

    Allah tala say dua ha in fraudioon ko JAHANAM main jaga day. Ameen

  121. Farooq Ahmed

    Deae Usman this is farooq from karachi my cell no is 03232327025 i m afraid i was not included in the recent ballot of 15th march 2016 my app no is 3186.plse include me in the whatsapp group also i want to inform u that i have fully paid the installments plse help me and apprise the current situation

  122. rehman

    This have been happend and now we have to open the door of Malik Raiaz home there is much land for victim of Green Valley and Sector-F, fraud is never possible with help of Nawaz Shareef,Bilawal,Asif zardari etc and so call court.
    We don’t have choice to pay them money and they have to enjoy with our money in Duabi,England and USA.

    Strong Person is coming soon by Allah (InshAllah) to solved our problems.

  123. Victim

    Lanti Malik Riaz. Biggest fraud in the history of Pakistan. Civic Commercial Bahria Town Lahore. Corrupt mafia. Bahria Town

  124. Ali

    Bilal Faisal sb: plz tell us k inhon n sikander block ka jo map announce kiya h, uss ki land lay li h? Aur kiya ap ki land b li h. Thanks

  125. Imran

    Aoa, Dear Mutasreen Bahria Ahtijaj on Sat. 26 Mar 9.30 at Orchad & 11.30 at Alflah plz Join sure, also invite new members & send me to add??

  126. Rajab

    Dear Usman and Abu

    Guys have you sold this web site to some one else or withdrawn your rights on this website.

    I understand that you guys may be busy but this business was there from day one and you guys were managing the both activities together. Nothing new happen rather it should be less.

    OR Bahria has stopped u guys not to participate in any public discussion or they stopped u to post any article which may ignite the fire of people more.

    My opinion is either to shut down the site so public will not put more aggressive comments or run the situation as it was before.

    Its your call only.

  127. Anonymous

    Any one please let me know if there is any list available for the balloted plots. And can some one provide info how to get the latest update on this issue.


  128. Anjum Waqar

    Dear Usman SB, Can you please tell me when the balloting of Sector F 10 Marla is expected. We paid all instalments but still waiting. I am overseas Pakistani and I really want my home in Pakistan .please help me I really appreciate .thanks Anjum Waqar

    1. rehman

      It will never happened they robbed our money, we have to show real face of this group to whole world. i am also overseas Pakistani in UAE and invest 60Lakh in Pakistan Bahria since 3 years and having a only 2 peace of Papers.
      Be united because these peoples have big business in UK, Canada, UAE and moving to india and after to hell.

  129. Anjum Waqar

    Please Usman SB add me in your watsapp group thanks 1613 400_8232

  130. Civic Commercial Victim

    Malik Riaz harami bharwa sala hamary civic commercial Lahore bahria kay passay kha gaya ha. Kameena insaan

  131. SAANI

    Sir , What is current position of Abu bakr Block sECTOR F, One Kanal plots .
    IS any size of park defined in bahria town for park facing charges, in map infron of my plot i think 4 -5 kanal park , whats your idea?


  132. Awan

    Balloting was done on 15th March but still those lucky people has not received any letter and even still no development started. Then 3rd balloting happened for all remaining unlucky people and plot numbers were given in Aziz Bhatti and Tariq bin Zayyad but seems these blocks in in Bahria dreams so for. No map of these blocks is given and Bahria guys are saying will give map end of May no idea what they are going to do with land till may end.

    At the same time there is news Bahria wanted to start a new scheme of 10 marla of 75 lac but due to immense pressure of victims of F sector that is on hold. I also believe if they will start any such scheme it will be a big mistake of Bharia without settling existing in AIR file/plot holders.

    So let see how thing will move and in which direction as for Bahria there are two options 1 – Save Credibility 2 – Get more money by starting new schemes.


  133. Civic Commercial Victim Bahria Town Lahore

    Jab tak malik riaz jaisay dalay majood hain achay ki tuwako na rakho. Yeh Malik riaz harami hamaray bhi civic commercial Lahore bahria ki deal ka passay kha kart kuta skoon ki neend sota ha. Is HARAMI Mlaik Riaz pay Allah ka Azab nazil ho.
    Kttay ka bacha ha Fraudia Malik Riaz

  134. Shafiq

    Malik Riaz has cheated Sector F Lahore clients. Full paid clients still Waitning for possession but there is no land even. Beware of Bahria, think twice before you decide to buy a property in Bahria.

  135. Saleem

    Guys this web site has been abandoned please find other venue to address concerns

  136. ZA


  137. Anjum Waqar

    I paid all installment of sector F 10 Marla plot. And got location too now I am waiting what next .please let me know .I live in Canada and I want to come back my country in my own home. I want to built my home as soon as possible. Thanks

  138. Muhammad Ali Chughtai

    Bairia is doing fraud with all the people…secter F and other victims are crying for posession. but bahria is selling new files…..please dont beleve in bahria

  139. Azam

    We are preparing another massive protest to raise voice for all Sector F affectees. Whatsapp +234-816-182-8636 for details.

    1. bilal

      sir jab tk ap.protest r pressure.nahe.dalo ge kuch.nhe hoga

  140. IT

    On Tuesday12 July 2016 , effectees of sector F Aziz Bhatti block and Tariq Bin Ziad block held forceful protest and stopped the transfer. They stayed in orchard office till 7:30 pm and threatened the management that they will not let them do any transfer next day. So Malik Riaz talked to the protestors through video links the same day. Physically present members at that time were allotted on ground plots in Talha block. I’ve come to know through sources that Malik Riaz will be in Lahore on 20th or 22nd July 2016. You should all be ready to reach orchard office for meeting or protest whenever core committee calls . If Malik Riaz promises to allot on ground plots in golf in near future , only those members will be entertained who are physically present in allh protests or meetings.

    1. bilal

      pressure r protest kren again
      yeh log land khud nahe lerahay jan.bhuj ke

      1. bilal

        heavy protest kren again

  141. Nawaz Ali

    bhai golf view is already have issues

  142. Usman-bin-Khalid

    i have one canal plot in Abu Bakar block sec f pls tell me its presant rate and any news of development

    1. bilal

      no.develpmnt abhee b land hai khareed he nhe rehe
      land issue nhe h land to hai lenge too.log denge

      1. imran

        bilal sb what about alamgir block?? I have heard wahan development ho rahi hai. wahan hai zameen inke pass?

        1. IT

          G Alamgir ka kuch portion h. Omly map issued on 15 Mar ballot has land. Baqi area of alamgir, abu bakar and sk saadi ki land bahria k pass ni h.
          @Bilal sb farmers kitna rate mang rahey hn for one acre?

          1. Usman-bin-Khalid

            Present rate is 70 to 80, no development due to land acquisition issue

  143. bilal

    sir farmer 3 crore tak mangrehey hain ye 2 crore lekin wo b nyat se.nahe
    apko bi.hata inka.comercial he kitna.mehnga farmer pag jo.8 canal 2 crore.mein den blke ye farmer se achee trah contact deal nahe kerte werna land ka issue na hota

  144. bilal

    sir f sector bus 10 15 percent he.bana hhoa
    cinema ki back pe.zameen hai zameen to buhat hai agar le to
    app presure den phir shaid farmer ko den
    3.25 crore lya hai acr inho ne

  145. ZA

    lets join hands together and held a strong protest. i have heard that bahria already has land for sector f but wants to launch a new deal on it. bahria wants sector f effectees to disheart them and sell their files. a strong protest is the only solution. lets join together on some specified day.

    1. bilal

      very good idea protest he hona chaye

  146. Zahid

    When and where is the protest?

  147. bilal

    right sir ap protest kren
    land too buhat hai lekin le ge to apko milen ge plots

  148. abdul baist

    aslaam alikum what will be the future of sector F 5 marla balloted plots in future ?? kindly inform me

  149. Osman

    Salam Brothers…Can somebody please add me to the whatsapp group for sector F affectees…My no is 03008412308

    1. Osman

      anybody who wants to participate in protest for Sector F….How about crushing new office building of Bahria town in Bahria Orchard?

  150. javaid iqbal

    plz addme also in yr grp

  151. Usman-bin-Khalid

    I also hv a 10 marla plot in aziz bhatti property dealer told me a month back few ppl protested at malik riaz’s residence and somehow they have been adjusted with on ground plots of sector F..we also can protest if all agreed we can decide a day mutually to protest..thanks

    1. Usman-bin-Khalid

      YES he has give you right information, They adjusted some sector-F affectees in Nargis block extension

      1. ajmal akhtar

        i also want to join the protest if time and date is decided. i will request the serious members to put their comments and make a group through this blog, even a small group.

        best regards and best of luck

  152. Usman-bin-Khalid

    All affectees of Sector-F Lahore should continue email, calls to bahria addresses, and visit orchard office to ask about their property future. No one cant do for other victim member. You all have to do by own capacity

  153. Abbas

    usman bhai i am in italy main ny to apni zidagi ki sari jama punji sy sector f main apni wife k naam plot lia tha aur abhi baloting main aziz bhati block main nikal dya hay plot koi position nahi koi kuch nahi please agar ap as brother kuch guide kar sakain to ap ka shukria bhai if you have any conact number please just give me a miss call on my cell 00393271887498 whats app viber imo facetime b isi number par chal raha hy



    1. shabbir

      Still there is no update. Please join the whatsapp group of sector-F victims, and send whatsapp message to +97333888906 (Ashfaq)

  155. Muhammad Salman

    If there is any group about sector F block sheikh sadi block , I am one of the victim as well , already paid full amount , always given hope will be starting very soon , do add me in group me my numb is 004475943332920

  156. Nabeel Mukhtar

    Add my number in watsapp group. I am also victim of sector f

  157. Imran

    I came to know that may be sector f file holders for aziz bhatti block will wait next year minimum

  158. Imran

    And may some fileholders will offer alternate plots in karachi instead of lahore
    Crazy thinking by bahria town bull shitt

  159. Omer

    Is there any whatsapp group for Sector F Victim

  160. Omer

    Please join whatsapp group for Sector F Victims and share with others to join.

    1. Afzal

      03428468040 please me in whatsapp group

  161. Imran

    We required more victims to put pressure together on them
    My mobile no. is 03334814034

    1. Ch. Arshad Ali

      I am also a victim of sector F Aziz bhatti block bahria town lahore. I am a 10 marla File Holder
      Of corner plot No 89.
      Phone no. 03006540067
      Ch. Arshad Ali

      1. Abdul Samad

        I Abdul Samad also victim of sector F, Aziz bhatti block Bajria town Lahore, 1-knal.
        cell No.03004113718

  162. Imran

    Dear all victims please join the group with below link on whatsapp

  163. Saud

    I want to join the protest pl add me in the group 03008440180

  164. Sector F Victim

    Next protest is planned tomorrow 04 May at bahria orchard office. Time is 10:30 am. Remember, without raising voices, you won’t get anything. More voices, more pressure on BT Management,higher chance to get your due right. So everybody, pls join this protest otherwise keep complaining on such forums and get nothing.

  165. sana

    im also the victim of F block yes we should raise voice of this matter..v want our plot on same block ..

  166. Waheed

    Bahria people are really crazy.
    Now they want to earn more money from affecty people

  167. Muhammad Afzal

    Please add me in Your Whatsapp Group 03428468040 I have paid all amount but not yet bolting and did give me any plot number.

    again I request please add me in group bcoz I will be updated regarding Sector F


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  169. Tahir latif

    Pl also add me in secor f affectee group my cell / whap no is 03005364192

  170. Farhan khan

    Wht the matter of this Aziz bhatti block. I want to sell my plot in aziz bhatti block in good amount..i want to buy a house bcz i hv no money only that plot..

    1. Mohammed

      Dear Farhan,

      Please send message on +973 33888906 in order to join whatsapp group of sector-F affectees. Till now hundreds of people have got plots through this whatsapp group by putting pressure on Bahria town through multiple protests etc.

      Don’t sell your file, because any dealer will buy it from you (let’s say 32 lacs for 10 marla) and will allocate plot number from Bahria and then he will sell it at 60 lacs. So, I suggest to join this group because still some people in this group are doing follow-up with Bahria to get plots for their files, they will also include your file in that list.

      1. Farhan khan

        Thnx ti information

        1. Farhan khan

          Thanks to information


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